Our First Ever Babymoon | 產前蜜月


Babymoon: traveling while pregnant to enjoy the calm before our family grows from two to four. Recommend to do it during the second trimester.


We originally planned to rent a car, but considering that getting around in Nikko will require driving through serpentine mountainous roads, we opted to take public transportation instead (a wise choice). From Utsunomiya, we took the JR to Nikko station and hopped on the bus to Lake Chūzenji. The bus dropped us off right in front of The Ritz-Carlton, Nikko, very convenient and affordable.


The Ritz-Carlton, Nikko

The one and only Ritz-Carlton with natural onsen, flowing down from the popular onsen town Yumoto. Our room faces Lake Chūzenji, to the right is Mount Nantai, quite a serene scene. The hotel design is chic minimalist, not a lot of presumptuous superfluous decorations, and not too many empty spaces that birth excessive lines and angles. There’s a level of comfort and a sense of coming home as you sit in the lobby (if only my house is this beautiful!). Most impressionable is our host Ms. Inoue, who greeted us and helped us check in. We chatted briefly about the purpose of our trip and why we chose Nikko, and that same night when we returned to our room after dinner, Ms. Inoue and hotel staff surprised us with a “Welcome Baby” balloon and towel cake on our bed!

When we planned our babymoon, I was in charge of picking the location, and UN was in charge of planning the rest. I kept debating if we should go somewhere we haven’t been before, such as Ine of Kyoto Prefecture, or revisit my favorite city in Japan, which is Nikko. I asked UN what is his favorite city in Japan, and as if he read my mind, he answered Nikko without hesitation. Nikko it is!

Nikko’s beauty is unparalleled, ideal for a babymoon. The first day when we arrived it was a bit misty from the rain, quite mysterious and yet romantic. Before dinner, UN and I even walked along the lake with an umbrella in the light drizzle. The sun came out the next day.

Babymoon has been something that seemed out-of-reach. Since getting married, we learned that getting pregnant is not as easy as we thought. There were many hiccups along the way. From being diagnosed with infertility, to considering adoption, seeking treatments, to starting IVF in July 2020, and the many failures in between. When I started opening up to my friends about this issue, I started learning that I am not alone in this journey. I hope infertility becomes less of a taboo topic. At the fertility clinic, I met many ladies who live healthy lifestyles and have healthy diets, the complete opposite of what I have been told about people who suffer from infertility. Throughout the entire IVF process, I’m thankful that UN respected every one of my decisions. January 2022 was gonna be our sixth and the last time going through IVF. God has been so good to us, He blessed us with more than we could ask for, turned one embryo into two. And because of His grace, we were able to go on this babymoon!

Japanese breakfast

Western breakfast

Afternoon Tea at The Ritz-Carlton, Nikko



原先計畫租車,但考慮到我們已去過大部分景點和往日光必經的九彎十八拐,我們決定坐公車(明智的決定)。坐JR到日光站下車換巴士,巴士會在The Ritz-Carlton, Nikko門口停靠,方便又便宜。


The Ritz-Carlton, Nikko

第一家提供日式溫泉的Ritz-Carlton,溫泉水源從上次來日光時有去的湯元(非常有名的溫泉聖地)。房間面向中禪寺湖,右邊俯瞰男體山,環境清幽。飯店設計走的是我很愛的簡潔路線,沒有多餘擺設或是過於極簡產生太多線條感,整體非常舒適輕鬆,有種回到家的感覺(只希望我家也這麼美)。最讓我們印象深刻的是我們和幫我們check-in的Inoue San閒聊,我們隨意提到這次來日光的目的和我們有多愛這地方。沒想到晚餐後回到房間,Inoue San和工作人員們竟然準備了Welcome Baby的氣球和毛巾蛋糕,真是太大的驚喜了!




Nikko: Escape the Summer Heat

All of our friends who have visited Nikko rave about its mild climate and serenity. With mountains for hiking, lakes for fishing and swimming, waterfalls for admiring, Nikko is ideal for a quick getaway from Tokyo or for retirement. On the way to Nikko, we made a pit stop at Utsunomiya, aka Dumpling Town, to see what the dumpling hype is all about. The streets at Utsunomiya are lined with symbols of dumplings everywhere, you can even find dumplings on the manholes.

Day One

Utsunomiya is about two hours drive from Tokyo. Of all the dumpling restaurants there, the two that have received top reviews are Minmin and Gyotendo, so off to those two places we go! 

  • Utsunomiya Minmin: Without a doubt, definitely a must-try! Delicious and offers free parking (always a plus)! Similar in taste and texture to Taiwanese dumplings and those that you can find in Chinatown in the United States. We couldn’t help but order for seconds. We gave this place a solid 5/5!

  • Gyotendo: Our foodie friends A&W described it perfectly: the dumpling skin is too thick! The dumpling filling tastes rather bland and dry. Their line was actually longer than at Minmin. On their door they even have a sign that says they are the No.1 dumpling place! After a careful research audit, we learned that this restaurant is the top result that returns when you search for “dumpling restaurant” near Utsunomiya JR Station, not the No.1 by reviews (lol!!!!!)

Dumplings manholes in Utsunomiya


Day Two

  • Lake Chuzenji: In the morning the lake is covered by a thick layer of mist, and the air is cool and refreshing. After breakfast, we took a stroll by the lake, and it was very relaxing. You would really love this place if you are a morning person! (Tech free might be a good idea!)

  • Toshogu: Glad that our friends A&W suggested that we bring comfortable shoes, as Toshogu covers a large area and can take a whole day to visit on foot. There aren’t many food options around either, so make sure you bring some snacks or come on a full stomach.

Three Wise Monkeys

Day Three & Day Four

The highlight of Nikko for me is no doubt Lake Chuzenji. After breakfast, we took a leisurely stroll along the lake, and even in the midst of summer, it didn’t feel hot here. We took another walk by the lake before dinner and marveled at the pink and purple sky reflected in the expansive surface of the lake.

On our way to Yumoto, we stopped by this ancient battlefield for a short hike. Occasionally you would see other hikers here, very easy for beginners. But it was just my luck to see my nemesis: a snake! Because of the sighting, I abandoned our hike halfway and power walked back to our rental car. We stayed a night in Yumoto Itaya, the summertime weather here is very pleasant, definitely not too hot for soaking in a hot spring.

  • Kegon Falls: The second highest waterfall in Japan! Wanna take a guess where the tallest waterfall is? That’s right! It’s in Wakayama where my friends and I visited before!

Nikko is hands down a great place to escape the heat of summer! The weather and the sights are unparalleled. I hope you will enjoy Nikko as much as we did!





  • 宇都宮Minmin:千萬別猶豫,就來這家,好吃又能免費停車!鮮嫩皮薄味道好,和我們在台灣或美國中國城吃到的水餃味道類似,吃完後續點更多餃子。這家我們都給了高分評價!

  • 餃天堂:吃貨朋友A&W形容得太好了,這皮也太厚了吧!餃子餡像是絞肉忘了加料,口感偏乾,但隊伍竟然比Minmin久。門口還標榜是當地第一名的餃子,結果認真一看發現是日本餐廳搜尋網站Tabelog以地區搜尋時第一家出現的餃子店,不是評分最高分得第一名!


  • 中禪寺湖:早上的中禪寺湖湖面上濃濃霧氣,天氣非常感爽涼快。我們在湖旁走路,格外放鬆。喜歡早起的人絕對會喜歡這裡!

  • 東照宮:好險好友A&W事先提醒我們這裡需要走好多路,而且附近沒有太多食物選項,千叮嚀萬交代,叫我們得吃飽喝足,穿上舒服的鞋子再來這!真的沒誇張,這裡有夠大,我們花了一整天才把東照宮看完。而且好多寺廟入廳前需要拖鞋,鞋子不但要舒服還要好脫!

第三天 & 第四天



  • 華厳滝:日本第二高瀑布!猜一下哪裡是第一高瀑布!就是之前我和朋友去的和歌山
