Airstream Factory Tour|房車界勞斯萊斯:Airstream

(Please scroll down for English translation.)


Airstream總公司,一走進去,牆上寫著“To open a whole world of new experiences… a new dimension in enjoyment, where travel adventure and good fellowship are your constant companions.” 讓每位Airstream擁有者用新的方式看世界,天啊好期待我們擁有Airstream的一 天!

參觀工廠時,因安全問題我們不能拍照或錄影。解說員講得很仔細,我媽也鼓勵我問問題,畢竟以後要買一台,需要先了解一下。參觀時,我們遇到一台Airstream正要做防水測試。Airstream和其他房車不同的地方就是他們先把外殼建好,確定沒有漏水或漏風問題,才會開始把裡面配備裝起來。全部完成後,工廠也會反覆檢查確定每台Airstream都準備好出貨。在這工作的員工應該很喜歡這裡,經過的人都會跟我們打招呼。同團叔叔阿姨們也很鼓勵人心,和員工們說good job, well done!

結束後,我們到總公司的gift shop買些小禮物給UN。以後我們也要穿著Airstream、開著Airstream出去旅行!

Airstream, the Rolls Royce of trailers, is the oldest trailer company in the US! Airstream is popular among many politicians, including Vice Presidents and First Ladies. The iconic silver bullet design is hard to miss on the road. Every time we see one while driving, we would wave at the owner, and if we see one at a campground, we would pick the owner’s brain on their ownership experience. We hope to be an Airstream owner one day! So excited to be able to tour Airstream HQ this time!

As you enter Airstream HQ, you are greeted with the saying “To open a whole world of new experiences… a new dimension in enjoyment, where travel adventure and good fellowship are your constant companions.” How inspiring and makes me want to be an Airstream owner even more!

During the tour, due to safety reasons, photography and videography are prohibited. But the tour guide is very thorough and encourages questions. We saw them doing waterproof testing on our tour. Every Airstream is built with the outer shell first. After they make sure the shell is waterproof and windproof, then they build the interior. After assembly, an Airstream has to go through rounds of quality inspection. The workers here must love their job, they were all very friendly and said hi to us. People in our group also encouraged the workers with “good job” and “well done”.

After the tour, we went to the gift shop to buy some souvenirs for UN. We shall return with our Airstream gears and go on a road trip with our own Airstream!