Climbing Mt Fuji: WE DID IT!|富士山:我們完成日本第一高峰



6th Station

6th Station

Subashiri Trail

Subashiri Trail

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Waiting for sunrise

Waiting for sunrise

Cheers to us not arguing and hating each other through this Mt. Fuji trip. At a dinner back in April, I casually mentioned that Mt. Fuji will reopen this year for hiking, and asked my friends if they were interested in climbing together. My friends agreed without hesitation! We immediately went into planning mode. I insisted not to take the most popular and easiest Yoshida Route, leaving my friends to comply with my request to hike the more difficult Subashiri Route. Conquering Mt. Fuji had been on our bucket list since UN and I moved to Japan. I feel blessed to be able to cross this one off my list with my friends!

Mt Fuji

Featured in many Japanese arts and literature, Mt. Fuji is as iconic as it gets when one thinks of Japan! We were pumped to climb it, but at the same time, we were worried about altitude sickness, and/or bad weather. Mt. Fuji spans across Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefectures, standing at 3776 meters tall, and was listed as a world heritage site in 2013.

Route: Subashiri Trail

  • 4 main routes: Yoshida (yellow), Subashiri (red), Gotemba (green) and Fujinomiya (blue)

  • Compare to Yoshida trail, Subashiri is less popular and more challenging. The beginning is more forested than other trails. Merge with Yoshida trail near 8th Station.

Prior to The Trip

Other than keeping up with my workout routine, in the two weeks before our hike, UN and I started running. We asked friends who have achieved the feat for hiking tips, and even consulted employees of Montbell and Neos (local outdoor stores). So much so that the employees know us by name! Montbell has a list of all hiking equipment you will need for Mt. Fuji. You will also find this list in this post!

Packing List

For the full equipment list please see my Kumano Kodo post (can skip Chaco/Teva). The following are must-have items for climbing Mt. Fuji:

  • Hiking poles: crucial if you are over 25, skip if you are under! Your body will thank you later!

  • Hiking boots: love my boots, highly recommend ankle boots.

  • Oxygen: didn’t get to use it, but having it brings reassurance, it’s lightweight, and doesn’t take up much space.

  • Gaiters: can prevent gravel and dirt from getting into your shoes. Or you can wear long pants that cover most of your boots

  • Mt. Fuji wooden hiking pole: available along the way. We bought the wooden hiking poles at fifth station to collect stamps; cost varies by length. We got the shorter one, easier to carry and store. Luckily, we were able to collect all the stamps along our hike.

  • Wet wipes: clean yourself at night for a better sleep!

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Blessed to have them in my life!

Blessed to have them in my life!

Goraikoukan sleeping area

Goraikoukan sleeping area

Original 8th Station

Original 8th Station

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Accommodations: Goraikoukan

When we asked our friends about the lodging experience on Mt. Fuji, many were the stories of sleeping next to snoring strangers packed like sardines, and having Lunchables-equivalent food for dinner. But Goraikokan far exceeded our expectations. We actually received a decent portion bento box, choice of fish, chicken, or hamburger meat when you make the reservation. Our breakfast included three onigiris and tea. In addition, Goraikokan sells other Japanese staples including ramen, udon, oden, and cup noodles. You will definitely not starve up here!

  • Reservation open on May 10th at 12pm

  • Toilet: 200 yen one time fee; no shower available

  • English site doesn’t have the reservation information, use Japanese site for reservation

  • Use cell phone browser to reserve. Our laptops doesn’t give us the pay option, but our phone does.

  • 11,000 yen for stay only; 13,500yen stay and 2 meals (breakfast and dinner)

  • Meal choice: chicken, fish, and hamburger patty

  • Dinner time is from 5:30pm-8:30pm, phone number: 0555-24-6510


We started our hike around noon, and arrived at our lodging on 8.5 station at 8 pm. The weather on the way up was mild, but it would change from sunny to misty, and to cloudy suddenly. After dinner, we watched a thunderstorm above the clouds for the first time, lightning lit up the entire sky. In the middle of the night, we all got woken up by torrential rainfall hitting the roof above our heads. I learned from my Kumano Kodo trip, I was calm, closed my eyes and prayed that we would still be able to see the sunrise at the summit. Praise the Lord that the sky cleared up the next morning and we made it all the way to the top!

UN surprised me during this hike. He reached the summit with ease, and didn't show any signs of fatigue. He even made friends with a few college kids that we met along the way, chatting with them the whole time while climbing. For someone who doesn’t regularly exercise, he was leading our group of friends the entire time. When I asked him what his secret was, he told me that while we were resting at 7th station, the clerk told us it would take us another 3 hours to reach our lodging at 8.5 station, and we would likely miss our meal time. Motivated by hunger and food, UN picked up his pace and practically ran up to make sure we would all get our dinner bento boxes. Food is such a powerful motivational tool!

As of the writing of this blog, Japan still does not permit entry of foreign tourists, and because of that, Mt. Fuji visitors count this year is only 10% of that before COVID-19. Our lodge that normally sleeps 90 was only half full, while some other lodge only had 5 guests. In years past Mt. Fuji would be packed with hikers, but that was not a concern this year. We got up at 2:30 am to pack up in order to watch the sunrise at 4:39 am.

Watching dawn at the top of Mt. Fuji was an emotional moment for me, especially when they raised the Japanese flag and sang Japan’s national anthem. I thank God for being able to share this magical moment with my friends, and for giving us the perfect weather! It gets pretty cold at the summit, so gloves and windproof/waterproof jackets are a must. Once you are at the top, you have the option of circling around the rim of the volcano, and it takes about an hour plus. This trail is relatively easy, but you can easily get sunburned. I wanted to send out a postcard at the post office atop Mt. Fuji, but it was closed due to the pandemic. After getting some rest, we began our descent, the hardest portion of our hike. There weren’t marked trails, only gravel, dirt, and volcanic ash. Going down felt more like sliding than hiking. At 5th Station, we hopped on a bus to take us back to the train station. Remember to time your descent so that you don’t miss your bus like we did. But fate has it that because we missed our bus, we found out that the stores at 5th Station could help us send out postcards postmarked with stamps that read Top of Mt. Fuji!

The few days after Mt. Fuji, our legs turned into noodles. Pro tip, don’t plan a lot of walking activities after climbing Mt. Fuji, you’ll thank yourself. A big thank you to my friends who agreed to go on this crazy trip with me, helping me cross this off my list! Definitely a trip to remember! I hope your Mt. Fuji experience will be as great as ours! Tune in to my next post to find out the delicious foods we ate during this trip!

Almost at the top!

Almost at the top!

Subashiri Trail

Subashiri Trail

Subashiri Trail

Subashiri Trail

Our new friends

Our new friends

Hiking above clouds

Hiking above clouds

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Chinese Translation




登山路線- 須走線

  • 共有四條路線:吉田線(Yoshida),須走線 (Subashiri),御殿場線 (Gotenba),富士宮線 (Fujinomiya)

  • 比起吉田線,須走線比較冷門,但也比較多日本當地人來,登頂前最後一段和吉田線相會。有些爬過吉田線的登山客認為須走線一路上坡的地形比較難,但前半段因樹林遮蓋比較不熱。





  • 登山杖:如果你的年紀已破25,登山杖會是你爬富士山最好的朋友!

  • 登山鞋:非常滿意我的登山鞋,建議穿高筒登山鞋。

  • 氧氣瓶:雖然沒有用到,但帶了安心,而且非常輕,不會成為負擔。

  • 鞋罩:能防止小碎石和沙子進鞋內。如果褲子夠長能遮蓋鞋子,也能防止這問題。

  • 富士山木棍:五合目有許多小店販賣能蓋章的木棍,價錢分長短不同。我們買的是短版木棍,方便攜帶,我們也把須走路線的印章全部收集完。

  • 濕紙巾:睡前全身擦乾淨比較好睡覺!

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Dinner at Goraikoukan

Dinner at Goraikoukan

UN powered through the moutain

UN powered through the moutain



  • 今年五月10號中午12點開放預約

  • 預約時遇到一個小插曲。在電腦上無法顯示付款選項,但手機能直接付款。

  • 一人費用為13,500日幣(一泊二食),11,000日幣(不包括食物)

  • 廁所使用費:200日幣,山屋沒有淋浴間。

  • 晚餐時間為17:30-20:30,電話是0555-24-6510







Top of Mt Fuji

Top of Mt Fuji