Weekly List: MLK Weekend to Daisekirinzan

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Northern Okinawa is not so densely populated, full of picturesque scenery, making it a frequent weekend escape for me and UN. My friends and I stayed overnight in Kunigami Town over MLK weekend. The town seemingly entered a day’s rest immediately following sunset. Melody of babbling brooks and howling winds filled the night. For dinner, we charcoal-grilled freshly caught fish wrapped in getto leaves. We might have disturbed the town’s quietness with our rambunctious chatters and laughters over board games and movies. 


Tickets: 1200 yen (adults), 550 yen (children), 900 yen (elders)
Address: 1241 Ginama, Kunigami, Kunigami District, Okinawa 905-1422

It is believed that the goddess who created Okinawa first landed here, therefore considered by locals a sacred site. The outline of Daisekirinzan (mountain), when viewed from a distance, resembles that of the Bddhist goddess Guanyin lying down. This area is part of Yanbaru National Park. Cape Hedo, the northernmost point of Okinawa, is visible from the observatory here. Here is also the home of the biggest Banyan tree in Japan. Along the hiking route, you will discover hoof tracks of Okinawa wild boars, you may even spot Yanbaru chicken! Special thanks to Park Manager of Daisekirinzan, our friend E and her friendly coworkers for the educational guided tour. This March you can join the “Seven Mysteries of Daisekirinzan'' guided tour led by the Park Manager himself, see the intertwining Irukanda, naturally-forming crystals and learn about Okinawa geography, culture, and history! Come here to clear your mind, and also for a chance to meet Japanese celebrity!

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Okinawa Cacao Factory & Stand

Address: 521-1 Hama, Kunigami, Kunigami District, Okinawa 905-1415

We must have driven up and down Route 58 at least a dozen times in the last year and a half, but this is our first time stopping here. Never knew there is a chocolate shop here. They sell Okinawa flavored chocolates such as getto leaves and Awamori (snake sake). 

Shimabukuro Meat Shop

Address: 93 Oyakawa, Nago, Okinawa 905-1146

In this butcher shop you may find sausage, skewers, and various organs. Additionally, you can purchase horse meat and deer meat. There’s a similar butcher shop nearby where we live, but the clean freak in me always hesitated going in. Plus I don’t know how to order what I want in Japanese. This time I went with my friends and I loved it! It’s a lot cleaner than I imagined, and doesn't smell like raw meat. I especially recommend their goat soup, not very gamy, and the portion is very generous. We purchased three people’s serving, but fed five and with plenty of leftovers. Writing this post makes me crave for goat soup again!

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This long weekend trip to Northern Okinawa with friends made up for not being able to travel to mainland Japan. Okinawa is now in a state of emergency again, the Governor of Okinawa recommended everyone to refrain from staying out past 8pm, and all of the restaurants and shops comply by closing at 8. Praying that everyone stays safe, until next time!


Chinese Translation

沖繩北部依山傍水,是我和UN週末很喜歡來的地方。人口不像北谷和那霸擁擠,大多以務農為主。長週末和朋友們一起到北部國頭村一帶,太陽下山後非常安靜,村裡的人似乎已進入休息狀態,幾乎聽不到任何吵雜聲。我們在住宿的陽台烤肉,朋友E帶來沖繩食材月桃葉(getto leaves))烤魚,大家聚在一起吃飯看電影。

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門票:1200日幣(大人), 550日幣(小孩), 900日幣(敬老)
〒905-1422 沖縄県国頭郡国頭村宜名真1241


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Okinawa Cacao Factory & Stand

〒905-1415 沖縄県国頭郡国頭村浜521-1




〒905-1146 沖縄県名護市親川93

精肉店有點像是台灣菜市場裡的肉舖或是美國butcher shop,和名字一樣專賣和肉相關的食物,有香腸、烤串、內臟類,也有比較特別的馬肉和鹿肉。每次經過家附近的精肉店都好想進去,卻很怕味道重,也不知道如何買。這次和朋友一起,我愛到不行!沒有印象中肉店的餿味,凌亂但乾淨,愛喝沖繩羊汁的我非常推薦這家精肉店賣的羊汁,不會有太濃腥味,而且份量大到誇張。三人份的羊汁多到能餵飽五人還吃不完。寫完好想吃羊汁啊!

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