Shelter in place: Week 8 Check In- Memorial Weekend | 第八週自主隔離

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Restrictions were finally relaxed a bit just before Memorial Day long weekend began. UN and I ordered take-outs to celebrate his birthday. All the take-out places around us were lined with Americans, people must be tired of cooking at home. I hope in the not too distant future we can all go out like normal, and we can return to traveling. But before then, let us enjoy the good scenery that Okinawa has to offer. 


Hira Falls

We were originally gonna visit another waterfall, but we realized we didn’t bring any cash, so we had a change of plan. Follow maps to the spot, and park across from the guard rail with the two red dots, which is the entrance to the trail. The trail isn’t marked with signs, but follow the trees tied with red, pink, and white ribbons. However, the second half of the trail does not have ribbons to guide you, not very friendly to someone like me who gets lost even with navigation. Good thing UN has a better sense of direction, and we saw not one but two waterfalls. Most importantly, we got back home safely so I can write about this. Hira Falls is a difficult trail. Maybe because it rained the night before, and the fact that it was still sprinkling on and off during the day, the trail was very muddy and slippery. There’s a part where you have to walk alongside the edge of a cliff with the help of a rope tied to a tree. It was quite a workout, but definitely very memorable. 

在日本一定要記得身上帶日幣!原先想到另一個瀑布爬山,但路上發現我們忘了帶現金。這點不需停車費,照著地圖走,停車在路上兩個紅點附近。跨過矮柵欄沒有清楚指示牌,沿著好心人綁的紅、粉紅、白色緞帶,但後半段需要自己找路。對我這種路痴到極致的人實在不是很友好,幸好有UN帶路讓我們能看到兩個瀑布,還能平安回家。Hira Falls難度偏難,可能是前晚下大雨,當天健行時還一直飄雨,幾段路非常滑,尤其是在懸崖旁拉著繩子走時。想像成語裡的跋山涉水大概就是這狀態,爬完覺得狼狽不堪但難忘到我們現在還在懷念這瀑布!


Hiji Falls | 比地大滝

Okinawa’s tallest waterfall! Compared to Hira Falls, this trail is marked and much easily accomplished. There’s restroom at the start of the trail, and even vending machines. Speaking of restroom, UN saw an arm-sized lizard dropped from the ceiling when he entered. You know, nature stuff! But that made me eerie the whole time, afraid I was gonna see some creatures on the trail. The entrance fee is ¥500 for adult and ¥300 for kids, cash only! There are many stairs, make sure you bring comfortable walking shoes. 

沖繩最大瀑布!比起完全沒指示牌的Hira Falls,這裡設備完善。健行前有廁所,爬山完後有販賣機。說到廁所,UN去廁所時,打開門有隻約手臂大小的蜥蜴出現!大自然嘛,不可避免的事,只是我一路上很怕看到叢林怪物!大人入場費日幣500元,小孩日幣300元,只收現金!路上有許多階梯,穿雙舒服走路鞋絕對是必備的。


Sesoko Island | 瀬底島

Been wanting to visit this island, but waited till now due to various reasons. There aren’t many shops on this island, very quiet. The sand here is soft and silky, you can run on the beach and go into the water. Hopefully even when things go back to normal this place will remain quiet. 



This long weekend marks the beginning of summer. It’s almost half way through 2020, I’ve gotten to know more about myself through this pandemic. I kinda enjoy not rushing out the door, getting ready 10 minutes before video conference, and having a legit reason to just be lazy at home. No need to set a timer for reading, not feel guilty for binge watching my tv show 3 episodes at a time. But it looks like Okinawa is going to go back to normal soon, and I should adjust back to my normal routine. 
