Broadway: Book of Mormon


第一次來紐約看百老匯就是這部Book of Mormon。記得幾年前UN在生日前夕給我一張卡片,說今年沒禮物,一打開卡片竟是Book of Mormon的票,感動到我大哭!當時還沒住紐約,有時只能YouTube上看表演,能到現場的機會非常珍貴。搬來紐約後,幾乎以一個禮拜看一齣表演計算,忘了當初那種哇要看百老匯的熱情,反而看完開始像寫評語一樣大肆討論。今天UN又買了Book of Mormon的票,開心卻帶點感傷。開心的是這部是我們都喜歡也是我來紐約第一部,感傷則是要離開紐約了,能隨時看百老匯的機會真的不多了。


Our very first Broadway show in NYC was Book of Mormon. Years ago, UN told me he didn’t get a birthday present for me, instead only gave me a card. When I opened the card, there were Book of Mormon tickets inside, I was moved to tears! I wasn’t living in NYC yet at the time, could only watch clips of Broadway shows on YouTube. I cherished the opportunity to watch a live Broadway show. After I moved to NYC, I watch on average one show per week, nearly forgot how precious it was when I watched my first show. Instead, I started critiquing them. UN bought Book of Mormons tickets again today. A mixed bag of emotions. Happy that we got to rewatch our first and one of our favorite Broadway shows, but sad that this may be the last show that we get to watch in NYC.

During intermission, UN helped a lady who fainted! I’m utterly impressed!